Yesterday, I re-started chemotherapy, a new cocktail of Xeloda and Ixempra. I received the Ixempra via IV. The chemo nurse found a vein and started my IV on the first try. She gets brownie points for that. I did have a slight reaction to the chemo, making chemo take a little more than six hours. My dad was there with me. He left to take a walk, to grab us lunch and to run an errand. I slept most of the day. I am unsure as to why...but I was very lethargic when I woke up in the morning, too. Either way, I do not have Ixempra again for three more weeks.
After chemo, I came home, took another nap, ate dinner and took my Xeloda for the first time. I went to bed early. I will take Xeloda twice a day for 14 days. Nothing too notable to tell as of yet. I am am taking a vitamin called Neuro-V that was given to me by a friend of my sister-in-law. A side-affect of Xeloda is neuropathy, numbing of the hands a feet. Neuro-V has been proven to help with prevent/lessen the side effects of neuropathy. I am hopeful.
One of the main side effects that I have been fighting is shortness of breath. I feel like I have been constantly climbing stairs and am too out of shape to be doing so. I am conscience of every breath. Walking up the stairs in my houses causes a slight pant. Making my lunch made me want to sit down. I did a bit of research and learned that exercise is good to help oxygenate my lower lungs. I thought about it, uncomfortable and worrying about my limitations in general. Is this the way I am supposed to live? Finally, I thought, "Screw this! I can be uncomfortable on my couch or I can be uncomfortable doing things I enjoy."
After dinner, I got suited up and took Cooper up for a walk. I felt a little better afterwards. So, I think I will keep going for walks. I might even go out to lunch with my colleagues tomorrow. And maybe Friday, dancing? OK, maybe not. Someday, though.
The perpetual state of breathlessness is frustrating and emotionally difficult. Don't let it stop you from living your life. I think of you every day. Hugs.