Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh, Christmas Tree

Mornings are my own,
Early though they seem.
I arise without a peep,
Make coffee, write, gleen.

Special time to be had,
Lights shining low.
Computer is my company,
Screen shining aglow.

But in the Christmas season,
Another friend shows true.
It is our Christmas tree, lights blazing,
Familiar ornaments speaking anew.

It stands to the ceiling,
Its comfort a large span,
Its branches may be fake,
But its spirit is unplanned.

A familiar friend, you are,
Oh Christmas tree to me,
Your glow warms my heart,
Reminds me I am not alone, you see.

My spirit continually searching,
For the secret that cancer aims to tell,
My Christmas tree is a reminder,
That I am grounded, unspelled.

1 comment:

  1. Marsi, Thank you for your Beautiful words and Spirit! May God Bless you and keep your heart as pure as your Spirit.
    In Love and Light, Deidre Raven
