I cried. I sat with Steve and cried like I had not cried in a long time. My emotions are usually in check, as I am quick to not give power to negativity that may result otherwise. BUT on Sunday, when I saw the 5 o'clock shadow on my head and felt stubble where there was none just two days before, I cried. My hair is finally starting to grow back. Steve says that my hairline resembles that of Captain Picard, Star Trek, The Next Generation. I am hoping my hair resembles that of G.I. Jane towards the end of this week or next. Either way, I am just happy to have something more than a little stubble on the very top of my head. For a while, I thought it would grow back in the shape of a mohawk because my head was so smooth on both sides. Now, I actually have a hairline that is filling in every day.
My scar is healing nicely. However, if I have spoken with you recently, you know that I am a little "over" having one breast, a six inch scar, no feeling and extra skin across my chest to about half way down my upper arm, no eyelashes on my left eye, a very few on my right, eyebrows that are just barely hanging on and no hair. No matter how great anyone tells me I look, the combination just is wearing on me a bit. That and I am tired of my head and neck being cold. I think this is why I was particularly emotional on Sunday, or maybe it was because I had not had a good cry in a while. Either way, it was a moment I will never forget.
Tomorrow, I will dawn my wig and start working again. I have an early morning appointment at Rady Children's Occupational Health. Assuming they grant me clearance to return to work, I have a 9:00 meeting with my supervisor. We have already briefly spoken about a couple of projects where I will need to focus my energy. I am going to work Monday, Wednesday, Friday for now, full days, which I imagine I will continue through the duration of my radiation treatments. Am I ready? Sure. I know any day I start back will be exhausting for me. I will miss being "around" for my kids and Steve. However, routine is good and I am needed at work. That and I have a new found focus now that I am cancer free. My health and my family are at the forefront, but I have more energy and brain power that I have had in a long time.
On another note, Steve and I meet with my radiation oncologist on Thursday. I am guessing I could start radiation as early as next week. I am not terribly thrilled but in researching my options, I am about 99% sure that having radiation provides the best chance at keeping cancer at bay (more to follow after Thursday's appointment).
In the interim, I am just going to focus on making today the most relaxing day possible. I started a new book last night. I am thinking that reading and pajamas seem to be the order for the day. Hmmmm, I think I need more coffee......